Legal notice

Schluckwerder GmbH
Bültenweg 19
21365 Adendorf

Tel: +49 4131 2989-0
Fax: 04131 2989-195

Managing Directors: Jochen Rock, Lukas Werner, Eric Beringer
Trade register: Amtsgericht Lüneburg HRB 208 111
VAT-Reg.-No.: DE323112322


Despite careful control, we cannot assume any liability for the content of external links.
Only the authors and providers may be held liable for the content of linked pages.


The images, brands and texts on these web pages are protected by copyright and other trademark rights. Duplication for marketing or other commercial purposes is only permitted with prior written consent from the company Schluckwerder GmbH. It is permitted to duplicate these web pages entirely or in part for private use and for other non-commercial purposes as long as no changes are made to the content of these pages.

Photo credits

© Schluckwerder GmbH

[End of Legal notice]

Concept, Design and technical implementation:

borowiakziehe KG

Marie-Curie-Straße 1

21337 Lüneburg, Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 4131 7562220
borowiakziehe KG - Werbeagentur in Lüneburg

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